
Learn about recent updates and improvements to Bloks
Multi language transcription - For the best summaries in any language
May 30, 2024

At Bloks we default to English, but not everyone does. With a huge list of support languages (31), we have everyone covered in their native language.

Choose from the defined pick-list for multi-language, find it in the AutoPilot settings.
And we still have the auto detect, if you need Bloks to make the decision in real time.

Use custom ChatGPT summary prompts on any conversation
May 30, 2024

For those looking for more control of their summaries we have an update.
You can now apply any custom prompt automatically to any conversation, directly in Bloks.

For example, something like this:

You are an executive assistant. You need to create four lists in the following format, each section separated by a blank line, Do not wrap responses in quotes, and make sure each of the four categories starts with the section number and title of the section (ex. “1. Key meeting takeaways”):

1. Key Meeting Takeaways - Write a list (using dashes) of key takeaways from my notes. Write at least 3 items. Indent this section one level.
2. My Action Items - Write a todo list of for all action items I’m responsible for from my notes. Be as specific and explicit as possible. Indent this section one level.
3. Others’ Action Items - Write a list (using dashes) of other people’s action items from my notes. Indent this section one level.
4. Next Steps - Write list (using dashes) of the next steps from my notes. Do not include any items already noted in the previous sections. Indent this section one level.

And if you don't fancy yourself a prompt engineer, no fear, you can still define your topics to structure your templates.
To build your own, head to "Manage Templates" and "Create New"

Edit Transcripts
April 30, 2024

The ability to edit the summary minutes has been there from the beginning, but now...the same is available for the raw transcript.

Simple but powerful.
Find it on the transcript page. The ability to edit the transcript to fix any errors, for the best summary possible.

Merge People and Company Pages
April 29, 2024

We all have them: Contacts with multiple email addresses.

You asked, and we've answered with the ability to merge multiple email addresses (or company domains) into a single page in Bloks.

All your relevant information for these people and companies (briefs, minutes, emails, attachments and events), no matter which domain they use, all brought together in one place.

Meeting Summary Templates
March 21, 2024

It's a game changer!
Bloks dynamic summaries have changed the way you attend meetings, but now there is MORE.
More control, more flexibility, and more consistency when you need it.

Perfect for those meetings that deserve MORE.
Check them out today, we've generated a few to help get you started based on your frequent meeting types.

Speaker ID
March 20, 2024

Even better meeting minute summaries, just enable speaker identification for more detailed transcriptions.
You can find it in the AutoPilot settings, right here on both Mac and Windows:

Enable Speaker ID on Mac

Enable Speaker ID on Windows

Import audio to Bloks
March 5, 2024

Brand new in 3.2.0 - the ability to bring in previously recorded audio to Bloks. The summaries you know and love, can now be applied to even more sources.

Check it out and let us know what you think.

A personalized daily briefing to slay your day
December 13, 2023

It's what you need to know, before you need to know it. Delivered directly to you.
When the stakes are high, those nuggets of information that maximize your day are game changing.

The morning digest from Bloks, gives you the insights and reminders you need to get the most from your upcoming day, direct to your inbox.

Remove all distractions when capturing meeting minutes
December 1, 2023

We've made it even easier to maintain focus when AutoPilot is doing the conversation capture work for you.
There is a now a simple way to get the AutoPilot minibar completely out of the way.

Release 3.0 - Get Briefed like a Boss
November 28, 2023

Exciting news on our biggest update ever!
It's time to get Briefed like a Boss.

Introducing Briefs
Always come prepared. Think of Briefs as: "What you need to know, before you need to know it". We've started with a brief on people you are meeting for the first time. It provides valuable background information and insights on how best to interact with them. Things like; their professional profile, location, personality DiSC, and even the local weather. From here to the end of the year - you will see some more improvements to the Person Briefs and you will see some new briefs appear that will blow your mind.

Ask Bloks
Ask Bloks is your personal ChatGPT for all of your interactions. Using your own words, you can ask any question in a specific conversation or any general question across all of your interactions. Questions like: Who did I talk to about fundraising last week? What was the name of this amazing app that allows me to get briefed like a boss?

A new more intuitive UI
Yup, we did not stop with two of the greatest capabilities you will ever use, we completely overhauled our user experience.
Now, it is super easy to access your briefs, your events, tasks and notes.

📌 Pin Your Fave Notes
August 22, 2023

Have those super-important notes you don't want to lose track of?
We've got you covered.

Pin them Up: With Bloks, you can stick those gotta-see-first notes right at the top. No more scrolling or searching!

And... Drop: Done with the limelight? Unpin it, and it’ll fall right back in your feed.

Try it out! And hey, drop us a line about what you think. We're all ears!

The New Dashboard Home Screen
July 25, 2023

The new Dashboard home screen gives you a complete view of your entire day—past, present, and future.

With better mapping of AutoPilot summaries to calendar events, quick access to notes, and an overview of the to-dos you need to care about, the new and improved Dashboard is an even better way to look at your day and keep track of conversations you've captured in Bloks.

Let us know what you think!

Managing Follow-up Lists Keeps Getting Better
July 19, 2023

Lists, to-dos, follow-ups, tasks, action items—whatever you call them, they're important. But it's easy for things to get out of control (or worse, forgotten about) the more you create them.

We've had to-dos for a while now. But we've made some improvements to the task management interface in Bloks that we think will make it easier than ever to capture and organize all those things you want to do.

Bloks will even help generate some of to-dos for you with AutoPilot—simply launch AutoPilot, and you'll get a suggested list of action items to add to your to-do list after any meeting.

Plus, with drag and drop functionality and linked notes, managing tasks and to-do lists is even more of a breeze.

Watch the video below to learn more:

Never Forget to Take Notes Again
July 13, 2023

Big news: Bloks can now automatically detect when you've joined a meeting and begin taking notes for you.

Never forget to start. Never forgot to stop. Bloks does it all for you, and generates a perfect summary at the end of every conversation.

It works from any service on your desktop (Google Meet, Zoom) without interrupting your workflow or any intrusive bots joining your calls.

And its not just for scheduled meetings. Bloks can also automatically transcribe and summarize ad-hoc conversations in Slack huddles and Microsoft Teams calls, giving you a perfect record of your day.

The functionality is exclusive to Mac users right now, but we hope to get it set up on Windows in the future

See it in action, and let us know what you think—we think it's a game changer.

Checking for App updates
July 10, 2023

We're constantly releasing updates, fixes, and new features based on your feedback.

To make sure you're getting the latest and greatest, we've updated how we notify you when a new release is available.

If you see a red notification on the settings gear, it's time to update the app.

Having the latest version ensures you're getting the best experience Bloks has to offer.

FYI, for those who've been with us for awhile, this is what it used to look like:

Auto-detect Language Support for AutoPilot
July 7, 2023

Based on your feedback and requests, we've introduced a mini-beta inside Bloks...

If you'e looking for your transcripts and summaries in a language other than English, look no further—we have a setting for that:

From the AutoPilot menu on Mac and Windows, select "Transcription Language," then "Auto (Beta)," and Bloks will automatically provide the transcript and summary in your native language.

Starting today, it's available to everyone, but we need your feedback.

So far, we haven't noticed many issues. But there are a lot of languages out there, and we'd love to know how well it works in real conversations.

Give it a try, and hit us up on Discord to let us know what you think!

Quick Capture for Desktop
July 5, 2023

It is now easier than ever to capture everything on desktop.

We've moved the Magic Mic up the side menu, so it's still just one click away to capture anything you speak or hear (in-person or virtually from any videoconferencing tool) on your desktop.

But we've also added some additional options to make it easier to capture your thoughts and ideas as well.

You can now expand the Magic Mic to select additional options for notes and to-dos.

All you need to do is select the down arrow to reveal the additional options and jump right into capture mode for notes or to-dos, no matter where you are in the app.

Get Bloks for Windows
June 28, 2023

Bloks for Windows is finally here!

This has been one of our biggest requests since day one, and over the past month, we've been testing it out with a limited number of users from our waitlist.

Now, we're happy to announce that the Bloks Windows app is available to everyone starting today.

It's the same experience users have come to know and love on Mac, but built for Windows.

You can even transcribe and summarize any conversation using AutoPilot! It works anywhere, anytime, with any service (Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Webex—you name it). No bots, extensions, or plugins required. Just click one button, and Bloks will take notes and create action items for you.

And, if you're old school, you can still write your own notes and take down to-dos right alongside everything else in Bloks.

Click here to get started.

If you're new to Bloks, download the app and let us know what you think!

AutoPilot Mini Bar Position Settings
June 23, 2023

By default. the Bloks AutoPilot Mini Bar opens on the left of your screen.

But if that conflicts with what's on your desktop, or you prefer to have it on the right, we've introduced a new setting to move it.

You can find it under the settings in the menu bar:

Custom Global Shortcuts
June 22, 2023

Shortcut keys can be the biggest time saver once you discover them.

If you still haven't found Bloks' shortcut keys list, you can find them in the account settings (along with some other good stuff, like our Chrome extension) under "Keyboard Shortcuts":

But, more importantly, the global shortcut keys (the ones you can use to launch Bloks anywhere, anytime) can be customized to avoid conflicts with other applications and make them easier to remember.

Click on "Keyboard Shortcuts" in your account settings to set them up.

AutoPilot Precision Settings
June 14, 2023

We've introduced a new setting to give you the best performance from Bloks AutoPilot.

Bloks does all your transcriptions locally, so you can take comfort knowing any temporary audio remains completely local to your machine.

This security means that Bloks uses your local processor to complete the transcription, and, depending on that processor, the time to produce the raw transcript may vary.

Bloks will auto-detect and present the transcription precision default that best matches your machine. This works for both Windows and Mac.

But, in order to give you more control of performance, we've implemented a precision setting to override the default.

You can change the transcription precision settings at any time to optimize for your needs on your unique device.

You can find them and other settings in the menu bar:

Even Better Summaries
June 7, 2023

Thanks to your feedback, we've updated and improved our AI-generated summaries, so you can get the gist from any meeting or conversation without reading the full transcript.

Whether you want to summarize a video call or get the key points from any podcast, webinar, or presentation, it's easier than ever in Bloks.

Our AI-assisted summaries are broken down into three sections:

- First, at the top of the summary you'll find a brief, one-to-two sentence overview of what was discussed—think of it like a tl;dr

- Second is a topic-by-topic breakdown highlighting the key points—this makes it easy to look over specific topics without reading the full summary

- Finally, Bloks identifies any actions items or follow-ups and lists them at the bottom of the summary—you can quickly add any relevant ones to your to-do list with the keyboard shortcut Cmd-T

Check it out—here's a quick summary of Apple's latest keynote:

Try it yourself, and let us know what you think!

Get More Control of Your Notes in Bloks with New Feed Display Options
May 23, 2023

To make sorting and finding your notes in Bloks that much easier, we've add two new options to the overflow menu:

- Rearrange your notes in the main feed by sorting the order by last edited or date created

- Use the mini card view to reduce the amount of space your notes take up in the main feed (instead of editing inline, all you have to do is click on any notecard to expand it to full-size mode)

Are there any other improvements you'd like to see in the notes feed? Let us know! Hit us up on Discord or contact support.

Bloks + Microsoft 365
May 19, 2023

For all you Microsoft users who have been waiting patiently to use Bloks, we have some big news: We're excited to announce that we officially support Microsoft 365.

You can now sign in and sync your calendar, contacts, and email from Microsoft 365 directly to Bloks, so it's easier than ever to stay organized while you work.

In addition, we've added Microsoft to our multi-account management, so you can seamlessly access all your accounts—whether it's Google or Microsoft—in Bloks and see events and relevant information from your calendar, email, and contacts, all in one place.

What about Windows? Stay tuned... we'll have more info soon.

We're always working to improve our platform and provide you with the best possible experience. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Automatically Transcribe Meetings and Conversations in Less Clicks
May 8, 2023

We're back with an amazing update!

We've made it quicker and easier to transcribe meetings and conversations with AutoPilot.

Now, with just one click on the Magic Mic button, the Mini Bar springs into action and starts transcribing your notes automatically.

Press stop, and the Mini Bar disappears, and Bloks begins finalizing your notes.

It's that easy! No more forgetting to click Start at the beginning of each meeting 😉

To make it easy to find, the Mini Bar is automatically pinned to the side of your screen when activated, and can be moved up or down to the position that works best for you.

Give it a try, and let us know what you think!

It's Demo Time!
April 21, 2023

Over the past few months, a lot has changed in Bloks, so we put together a new demo video to coincide with our Product Hunt launch.

Check out a highlight reel of our newest features below:

If you still haven't got access, sign up here.

And, as always, if you have any questions, let us know. We're all about the feedback!

(P.S. We ended up landing in the Top 5 of Product Hunt, so a big thank you to everyone who checked us out and supported our launch.)

Who’s the GOAT?
April 4, 2023

Over the past two months, we’ve worked tirelessly to completely redefine what Bloks can do. We’ve been testing it with a handful of users, and the initial reactions have been great.

Bloks is now more than a note-taking app. It’s an AI-powered productivity assistant.

Bloks is the Pippen to your Jordan, the Goose to your Maverick, the J.A.R.V.I.S. to your Tony Stark.

We aim to make YOU the productivity GOAT.

Here’s what’s new and exciting:

- Automatically transcribe and summarize any conversation or call (Zoom, Meets, Teams, Webex, Huddles)—no plugins or intrusive bots required
- Auto-generate action items from meetings
- 10X your output by getting tasks done for you: Use AI to draft meeting agendas, follow-up emails, reports—you name it

See it in action:

Update to our latest version to give it a try.

We’re still making tweaks, so if you encounter any issues or have feedback, let us know!

To-Dos with Follow-Up Dates Have Arrived in Bloks ✅
February 15, 2023

Today's a big day: to-dos have finally arrived in Bloks!

Now, it's easier than ever to keep track of all the tasks you need to get done.

Create a new to-do list by clicking on the checkbox icon in the sidebar or adding them in-line to any note.

You can automatically associate to-dos with relevant topics, events, people, or company pages by tagging them. And you can create follow-ups for each task, so you get a visual reminder to complete them before they're due.

All your tasks will get aggregated under the to-dos section in the sidebar, giving you a nice, clean, organized view of what you're working on.

Here's a quick preview:

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Be More Prepared For Your Day w/ Bloks in the Mac Menu Bar
February 7, 2023

Your notes and calendar should always be at your fingertips.

That's why we've integrated Bloks closely with your MacOS desktop, both in the menu bar (and system shortcut keys), so you can quickly capture notes and manage your entire day without ever having to search for the app or find events in your calendar.

By accessing Bloks from the system tray on your Mac, you can:

- See what's on your agenda and join events from the menu bar
- View who you're meeting with and quickly access their company and people pages
- Create notes, capture screenshots, and add them directly to Bloks

Check out the video below to learn more:

Let us know what you think!

Keep Track of Your Meeting Notes with the Events Carousel
February 1, 2023

Some notes, like a random thought or idea, don't require that much organizing.

Others, like meeting notes, only make sense when you see them in the context of when and where you took them.

To help you think clearly, we're constantly looking for ways to make taking and organizing your notes quick and easy.

That's why we created the calendar events carousel.

With the carousel, you can view all the meetings you have lined up for the day, join a call, and take notes that are immediately linked to a specific event in your calendar. Bloks will also show you any relevant emails, as well as the people and company pages associated with your events, so you can see additional insights at a glance.

Watch Marc quickly explain how it works below:

Give it a spin, and let us know what you think!

The Smart Directory, Dark Mode, and Our New Look
January 18, 2023

Smart Directory - This is probably THE most exciting feature we've built to date. Now, Bloks will automatically build a directory of the companies, contacts, or topics that you find important, which are dynamically updated in real time with relevant notes, calendar events, and insights.

You can access it now in the sidebar. Check out this quick video demo to see more.

Dark Mode by Default - Roughly 4 out of 5 people use dark mode. It extends battery life, prevents eye strain, and, frankly, looks cool. We’re making it the default, so your text pops, and it’s easier to find information.

New Look - Everyone from Banksy to the White Stripes to Coca-Cola plays with a white, black, and red color scheme. It’s minimalist, powerful, and synonymous with strength, clarity, and professionalism. Perfect for both avid and everyday note-takers.

Let us know what you think!

A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words 📷
December 22, 2022

A picture is worth a 1,000 words, so we'll be brief:

You can now choose images from your device, take screenshots, and add them directly to your notes in Bloks.

Use the keyboard shortcut cmd-option-s to see it in action. Or, from the toolbar, click on the camera icon or screenshot icon. Add any text or tags, and you're good to go! 📸

To try it out, make sure you're on version 1.2.17 of our desktop app.

Search Less, Find More w/ Company Pages in Bloks
December 19, 2022

The search is over.

Information about companies, people, events, and emails are now easier than ever to find in Bloks.

Looking for that meeting note? Planning for an upcoming event? Need to find someone's contact info (or something that was said in an email)?

With Company Pages, we automatically bring together all the relevant information on the companies you interact with the most into a single view, so you don't have to go looking for it.

Here's a tease:

Company Pages can be accessed from any Person or Event page.

Check it out for yourself. Everything you need is already linked, ready, and waiting in the app.

Rock the Vote: Get Better Insights with a "Thumbs Up" or "Thumbs Down"
December 9, 2022

The recommendations, associations, and insights in Bloks are always getting better.

Now, we've made it easier for you to help us improve them with a simple 👍 or 👎

Here's how it works:

- Click on an event to see any notes, emails, or people associated with it

- If the emails listed in the Emails tab appear relevant, give them a thumbs up

- If they don't, give them a thumbs down

Based on your feedback, our email recommendations engine will learn which emails are the most relevant and share stronger insights with you in the future.

Check it out, and let us know what you think!

"Meta" Note Tagging Updates
November 24, 2022

Some people like being able to tag directly in their notes. Inline tagging lets you write naturally while still being able to associate content with people, events, and hashtags—helping give your notes more context.

But sometimes (and, if we're being honest, mostly for aesthetic reasons) you don't want tags to appear directly in your notes.

That's why we're introducing the ability to apply "Meta" tags to all your content.

Simply click on suggested hashtags, people tags, and event tags (or create your own by clicking "Add tag..." at the top of the screen) to apply Meta tags to all your notes.

It really is the best of both worlds.

Check it out, and let us know what you think!

Be Creative with More Ways to Style Your Notes
November 23, 2022

Not too long ago, we added the ability to add checkbox lists to notes.

This week, two new styling and formatting types have found their way into Bloks, giving you even more flexibility when capturing your thoughts.

You can now use tables and highlights in Bloks on mobile, desktop and the Google Chrome extension.

Here's what tables look like:

And here's what highlighting looks like:

We have a few more styling options in the works, so stay tuned. If you have any feedback on what we've been working on, let us know!

Discovery and Search Improvements
November 18, 2022

You'll notice a new search and discovery menu option appeared in Bloks this week.

As you start to make use of tags (e.g., people, events, and hashtag categories) in your notes, this dynamic interface will give you quick access in search to items that have been front of mind throughout your day, week, or month.

Discover doesn't just highlight tags you recently used, though. It shows you which ones have been receiving a lot of your attention (i.e., tags that appear in notes you've been referencing).

We're trying to be smart about it, so we can take the time you spend looking for information down to zero.

And if you need to dig a little deeper, we've unified search to bring contacts, events, and content from notes together all in one powerful search interface.

On a side note: we had a great week at SaasNorth and appreciate all the amazing conversations we had about Bloks (formerly Nook). Your feedback is what drives us, so thank you!

DYK: Shortcut Keys Can Save You Tons of Time
November 8, 2022

How much time, exactly? Well, we're still reviewing the numbers. 

But it's no secret that keyboard shortcuts can save you a huge amount of time when used correctly.

Want to streamline your workflow in Bloks? Try these keyboard shortcuts (here are a few to get started with):

cmd + n = start a new note
cmd + shift + n = start a new note in a new window
cmd + return = save/exit editor
cmd + t = start a to-do list in a note
esc = dismiss dialogs
delete = delete note

And the ultimate:

cmd + option + n = Create a new note from anywhere on your Mac, regardless of what app you’re currently in

Want more? Let us know what shortcuts you need. This is an ongoing project we plan to update continually.

The Bloks Team

You Can Now Add Checklists to Your Notes in Bloks ✅
November 7, 2022

It’s about time.

One of the most common feature requests we get is the ability to add checkboxes to notes in Bloks.

Why? It’s a simple-yet-effective way to capture to-dos and keep track of what needs to get done.

Well, as of today, you can now add a checklist to any of your notes. And there's much more to come 😉

Again, we want your feedback. So help us check that box (see what we did there?) and let us know what functionality you’d like to see next in Bloks.

Introducing Note Cards with Tag Suggestions
November 1, 2022

Here's a bit of science that feels like magic 🪄

Bloks' tag suggestions help keep your note cards organized by automatically suggesting ultra relevant, highly contextual categorizations for all of your notes.

We wanted to make the whole tagging process easy. So, starting today, you'll notice tagging suggestions at the bottom of every note anytime you begin typing.

No heavy lifting required. Just select the suggestions you like as they appear. And, if they're not your cup of tea, you can always create your own. It really is the best of both worlds.

As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback to make sure we're hitting the mark. Let us know what you think!

Hey Slackers! Bloks + Slack is Here
October 28, 2022

This week, we're happy to announce that our Slack integration is officially available to ALL existing Bloks users.

Bloks' Slack integration makes it easy to bring all your most important Slack messages right into Bloks. You can push important messages directly into the app, associate them with notes and add tags for easy reference, and view additional insights.

No more searching for what you want to remember. Messages and important information are right there when you need them with added context.

Bloks' Slack integration is accessible from the Integrations tab on desktop and mobile. Give it a try, and let us know what you think!

Bloks is Now Available in the Chrome Web Store
October 25, 2022

We're happy to announce the Bloks Chrome extension is now available in the Chrome Web Store.

Our free extension allows you to push any browser-based content you want to remember—like articles and other links—directly into Bloks from Google Chrome.

With synchronized notes and supporting references like @mentions and hashtags,  it's easier than ever to keep important information associated and accessible in Bloks.

Give it a try, and let us know what you think.

Bloks is Now Available on Android
October 21, 2022

Hey all, Happy Friday! Here's a present for all the patiently waiting Android users:

You can now download Bloks from the Google Play Store. Check it out and let us know what you think.

It's a fully featured app, so everything you can do on desktop, you can now do on mobile, too.

That means Bloks is now available on three platforms (Mac Desktop, iOS and Android). If you're not already using Bloks, get early access by joining our waitlist.

UI Updates for a Better Desktop Experience
October 19, 2022

Hey folks,

A quick update on a few improvements you'll notice in the desktop app.

As of today, we've:

- Added the ability to expand note cards directly inline on the main feed and in the page feed
- Updated the navigation menu and note creation controls by placing them closer to the action (i.e., in the upper half of the interface)
- Improved search for calendar events in the @mention modal

We hope you're enjoying Bloks and look forward to hearing what you think of the new changes.

The Bloks Team

Bloks for iOS has moved from TestFlight to the App Store
October 15, 2022

We're happy to announce that we've moved Bloks from TestFlight Beta to our public App Store listing.

Nook for iOS has the same great functionality, but makes you jump through less hoops to get up and running on mobile.

A big thanks to everyone who has provided feedback on our mobile experience thus far and helped us get to this point.

If you're looking for Bloks on iOS, you can find it here.

Our First Push Update for the Desktop App
October 12, 2022

Thanks to all of our first users for their feedback on the Mac Desktop app over the past few weeks. Users should have seen an auto-update available today—hopefully you've all grabbed the latest, which is now 1.2.6.

Updates Include:
- The ability to pop-out note editing into its own dedicated window, so you scan other items in Bloks while staying focused on what you're jotting down or editing
- Improvements to text input, mentions, and hashtags to make sure note and page associations are at your fingertips

A request:
Let us know if you have any issues getting the update. We'd love confirmation that this is a smooth and easy process for all.
We love getting feedback, so keep it coming.

Welcome to the Changelog
October 7, 2022

Consider this your home for all product-related updates from the Bloks team. We move fast, so expect to see updates here at least 1-2 times per week as we continue working on and improving Bloks for all our users.

We can't wait until this entry is buried at the bottom of the Changelog under a pile of impactful updates, so check back frequently to see what we're working on.